Musings of CharPaula

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My recent re introduction to Science Fiction

Firefly did it. What a witty, well made series. I was truly devastated when the show was cancelled. Deja vu just like when Star Trek bit the dust. Joss Whedon has produced some wickedly good shows, but none in my mind, compared to Firefly.

I was so glad when the cast was reassembled for the film Serenity. I am not one to watch a film over and over again, so I never buy the DVDs. But this time... well I bought the entire Firefly series and Serenity. And I admit it, I have watched all several times :)

A new love for Firefly and Serenity has spawned an interest in an old love - Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry was a visionary. The story ideas and scripts he left behind are all as fresh as if they were written today.

And so I am celebrating my renewed love and getting back into Science Fiction genre in a big way. I had intended to create a few aliens and add some of the artwork of a few friends, but I just wasn't motivated until now.

Well, it's 103 F here and so I watched Serenity again in air conditioned comfort. I decided I wanted some Serenity stuff!!

What do you think?

Serenity Firefly Black T-Shirt "you can't take the sky from me"

Not your taste? Well than, go look for your own :) Serenity themed stuff!

I'm off now to get AlienTees off the ground. I have had that domain for quite awhile - now its time I do something with it.



  • Great Design Char! I really like it a lot! Can't wait to see your new alien site too!

    By Blogger Barbara Burns, at 8:31 PM  

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